Our “Beverly Bike Hotel“ accommodations fulfil the following criteria at a minimum:
Guests can comfortably store their expensive bicycles in a burglar-proof room.
Guests are provided with current, local weather reports, have access to high-energy foods and electrolyte drinks – and the opportunity to borrow or purchase maps specifically for cyclists.
A room is available for drying wet clothing and gear overnight. Washing machines or a laundering service at the establishment can be used to wash clothing. Bicycles can be washed in a separate area set up for this purpose. If guests wish to undertake athletic activities after checking out on the day of departure, showering facilities will still be available throughout the afternoon.
A room appropriate for carrying out repairs and adjustments on bicycles exists for guests. Along with replacement inner tubes, repair kits, and basic tools, special tools for sports bikes are also present. Should a guest require a replacement part, contact with the nearest specialized shop will be made through the accommodation.
Beyond these minimal criteria, certificate also covers additional services which can differ from establishment to establishment. More detailed information can be found in the profile of each establishment on this website.