On the one hand the Circeo, Sabaudia and Terracina, on the other the Imperial Coast which enhances the most beautiful coastal places up to the Gulf of Gaeta, Formia and Minturno, involving the Pontine Islands as ancient destinations already chosen by the Roman emperors for their holidays. But the province of Latina is also made up of that area called "Imperial Land" , which develops inland through paths linked to the Via Francigena , to parks and natural oases , to the Lepini Mountains from Campodimele to the suggestive city of Sermoneta along the path of the “Foundation cities” Latina, Aprilia, Pontinia and Sabaudia . Through the "Way of wine, oil and flavors", the territory also offers an itinerary of ancient Mediterranean flavors, now remote and almost forgotten, mixed with extreme wisdom for the creation of traditional dishes, such as the Tiella, thanks also to the typical local products. Worth mentioning are the olives of Gaeta, the celery of Sperlonga, the lentils of Ventotene, the DOC wines that the Romans already appreciated, today represented by wineries renowned all over the world and winners of international awards, and the extra virgin olive oil PDO of the Pontine Hills.

From the Borgo di Fossanova with its beautiful abbey, through the enchanting Oasis of Ninfa and the villages of Latina , we descend towards the long sandy beaches, the salt lakes, to Sabaudia with its dunes, bordered by the Circeo National Park, up at the Temple of Jupiter Anxur in Terracina . From here, the cliffs alternate with exciting bays, from the Grotta di Tiberio to Gaeta , a city of sea, art and culture with its Montagna Spaccata. The Gulf continues and from Formia , the seaside residence of the Romans, where there is the Tomb of Cicero, we leave for the pearls of the Mediterranean, the Pontine Islands(Ponza, Ventotene, Palmarola, Zannone and Santo Stefano). Continue towards Minturno , with its Roman Theater, and the Terme di Suio .