An oasis of good living, where biodiversity is a safeguarded and promoted value.

Viterbo is a land rich in historical testimonies from various eras (the medieval village of San Pellegrino and the Palazzo dei Papi) and a land with two thousand years of Etruscan civilization that emerge in every corner of the province. Not to be missed are the Renaissance palaces and villas Villa Lante in Bagnaia , Castello Orsini in Vignanello and Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola ; the Sacro Bosco di Bomarzo and the tiny medieval village of Civita di Bagnoregio , the “dying city” on a slowly collapsing tuff spur.

From the archaeological point of view the imposing remains of the Etruscan culture are very important , evident above all in Tarquinia , Tuscania , Vulci , Castel d'Asso and Blera . Other must-see stops are the village and the Cistercian abbey of San Martino al Cimino , then Montefiascone and the lakes of Bolsena and Vico . Continuing, you can immerse yourself in the magical Etruscan world with a stop in Tarquinia, with its fascinating museum, rich in archaeological finds of this very ancient and very rich civilization. A few kilometers (we enter the province of Rome) and we reach Civitavecchia, with its Monti della Tolfa and its very active port. A short distance away Santa Marinella and the suggestive castle of Santa Severa . We are at the gates of Rome, the ideal starting and finishing point for the Grand Tour of Lazio.